The Warriors of the Holy Sword of Mary
March 18, 2017
Dear Sons and Daughters of the Lamb,
In the midst of the darkness that surrounds us we have been given a great gift, a great Light, a mission to carry forth a torch that is not only for ourselves but for the world. This darkness cannot be seen with physical eyes, but we feel it, it is all over the world and masks itself as light by all the false prophets of the world that want us to believe that they are bringing the light into the world with their godless philosophies and remedies. Do not let this darkness affect you.
What are some of the signs of this darkness? We do not have to wait for some disaster to happen for it to affect us…we must be aware, on guard at all times... “For the devil prowls around like a roaring lion waiting and looking for prey” (1 Peter 5:8). He waits to bring us into despair, depression, moodiness, being argumentative with others, especially with those closest to us. He brings us to division with those within our own faith through criticism and finger pointing.
These are not the ways or examples of Jesus. Do we really want to waste our time with this with all the work we have to do with saving souls? Do we want to waste time on meaningless conversations and trivial matters when instead if we were to focus on each act in the Divine Will, it will spread and include all those around you to be touched by a Divine Light? Do you want the power to rise above the darkness so you may raise others to a new resurrection through the power of Jesus Christ in His Most Holy Will as St. Peter tells us to have the Morning Star rising in our hearts? (2 Peter 1:19)
Our Lord has given us the means through the Heart of His Mother, through Her Most Holy Wound, the entrance to this new holiness, this divine life that has been saved for this generation, the most sinful and godless generation. We do not deserve this folks, the saints before us paved the way for us through their suffering and sacrifices, and they wait eagerly for us to complete the mission that has been endowed to us through their redemptive sacrifices with Christ on the Cross. They are part of every Divine Will act you do! We are the Church Militant. It is time for us to pick up the Cross and Sword, and with the Holy Spirit begin the mission of Mercy to save souls and drive them into the Era of Peace as promised through the saints and the Life of the Divine Will as taught and executed through the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta. She is our witness to the possibility of the new life if we follow her example and say ‘yes’.
First Step: Through your Houses of Mercy and implementing the 9 Directives as given to a Daughter of the Lamb. Each of us are encouraged to speak to our spiritual directors about these Directives, they are always to be implemented and interpreted through the teachings of the Church. The 9 Directives are the foundation to a holy Catholic life and for the graces Our Mother desires to pour into us to lead us ultimately to a true life in the Divine Will of the Most Holy Trinity.
Second Step: Jesus tells A Daughter of the Divine Will;
”… a Seraphim pierced His Mother’s Heart, and from this Wound of Her Heart all graces flow, it is the “portal” the doorway to Heaven’s Gate. “
Sons and Daughters of the Lamb, these graces are ours for the taking as a true child of God.
Jesus tells Luisa about His Mother’s Wound - Volume 19 – June 26, 1926,
“….And to act as a magnanimous and most loving Mother, who pours Her own self out for Her children, She generated everyone in Her Sorrowful Heart. Each fiber of it was a piercing sorrow in which She gave life to each of Her children, up to the fatal blow of the death of Her Son God. The Sorrow of this death placed the Seal of the regeneration of life upon the new children of the Sorrowful Mother.“
As you recite Our Mother’s Seven Sorrows I ask you to join with me in meditating deeply on these words that they will be fixed upon your Heart as the words of Simeon became fixed upon Her Heart. This is the first step, the grace that is needed to be true warriors, and for us to receive even greater graces in the future. I highly recommend the practice of Lectio Divina if you have a problem staying focused and knowing how to meditate. This simple practice will give you an immense grace to let holy words and thoughts become life within you.
Jesus then concludes to a Daughter of the Divine Will with;
“All who allow the Holy Sword to pierce their hearts, My Mother will share Her same heavenly graces and merits that She possesses and gained on earth. This is a great gift My daughters, to share in their Mother’s inheritance, Her inheritance of which She will give to all.
This website will be dedicated to the wound of Mary’s Heart and Her Warriors of the Sword that accept Her Fiat."
“Let it be Done according to thy Word”
Jesus, Son of the Warrior Queen.
He signs His name often as Son of the Warrior Queen to show us that He is also our Holy Divine Brother, and as our Divine Brother He gives us His Mother whom He created, so She could give us Jesus, but also so Jesus could then give Her to us in return. Jesus in His humanity is one like us. My brothers and sisters, our first instructions are to meditate on Her Sorrows and to give our Fiat by saying,
Third Step: “Let it be Done to me according to thy Word”
And finally a promise from Our Lord to Luisa concerning the First Sorrow of Mary and all those who abandon themselves to Her fusing themselves in the First Sorrow :
“Everyone can share in the merits and in the goods produced by the sorrows of My Mother. One who, in advance, places herself in the hands of Providence, offering herself to suffer any kind of pains, miseries, illnesses, calumnies, and everything which the Lord will dispose upon her, comes to participate in the first sorrow of the prophecy of Simeon.”
This is our objective, our starting point, why we are the Warriors of the Holy Sword of Mary.
This act of abandonment gives Our Mother the ‘yes’ to begin to form Her Son in us. Every act in our life should have these words, “Let it be Done according to your word.”
Please consider joining with me and Daughter of the Lamb, together in the month of May by reading Our Mother’s Book of Heaven. Let us all give Her our ‘yes’ together by the way She wants to teach us through the book She created for this special purpose. She is waiting for us, always.
The book is called The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will (click link to open the pdf), or you can read it online at
Thank you for your ‘yes’ and responding to Heaven with your generous hearts.
A Daughter of the Divine Will
(one of many)
March 9, 2017
Feast of Saint Frances of Rome (1384-1440)
“Out of the depths, I call to you, Lord;
Lord, hear my cry!
May your eyes be attentive to my cry for Mercy…”
(Psalm 130)
Today My Mercy begins in you… Your ‘yes’ to Me is the beginning of this door of Mercy to be opened, to serve mankind, for I am with you in this journey of My Mercy… Be aware for all those who say ‘yes’ will be given a greater gift in heaven with Me and We will triumph in the task of saving mankind from the fires of hell. I am with each one of you as We build together these Houses of Mercy. I am the builder of this Mercy for I am My Father and He is Me all within the Eternal Sanctifier, My Holy Spirit. You will begin the task of forming these houses one by one, all for My Greater Glory, all will become one, that is one in My Will.
You will distribute the work to build these foundations – these foundations will be built upon My Mother’s 9 Directives from Heaven. Allow Her to direct you and teach you Her willingness of Love - Her gifts of the Spirit – Her virtues in My Will and above all Her Maternal Heart that beats with My Love for you, as it nurtured Me in Her womb and throughout My life – built on a foundation of Love. My Mother is Love full of Grace. She is My Will, She is the Mother of My Will, within Her is the Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – a pure heart of the Trinity, built on the faith of God – trusting always in the Father for all to be given; just as Her Mother Anne trusted in God and brought forth a gift in her womb of the Immaculate Conception – My Mother. You will all be wise to listen to Her, as She listened to Me and listens to all of you. Your prayers to Her are brought before the throne of God, as She carries them within Her Heart and places Herself before God Almighty in presentation of your prayers and sacrifices. Dearest of all My heart is My Mother – TRUST, for She will bring you to Me in the most purest way. I AM HER SON, THE LIVING GOD, THE SON OF THE MOST HIGH, REDEEMER…I AM JESUS YOUR CRUCIFIED KING †
January 25, 2017, The Conversion of St. Paul
Formation of the Houses of Mercy
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Today marks our 5th anniversary of the Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception Apostolate of Mercy. As we enter into to this New Year 2017, we are embarking on a greater spiritual journey of faith and blessings. We have been asked by Jesus and Mary to start the formation of establishing Houses of Mercy. Mother Mary has requested that those seeking to be united to Her Immaculate Heart take part in this formation by following Her 9 Directives from Heaven with daily prayers and acts of Mercy all within God's Will, and a willingness to read and learn about the Divine Will (the writings of revelations from Jesus to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta) implementing the Divine Will into our daily lives.
Those who are faithfully taking part in the 9 Directives from Heaven (pdf link) at this time or who wish to start; will be asked to open their homes as a House of Mercy. Each house will be formed and dedicated to a specific Catholic Saint (taking on its name similar to a Catholic church, example; Saint Peter's House of Mercy), and each having its own unique mission - that will be given by Mother Mary. The formation will take place by prayer, penance and acts of Mercy. At this time we also suggest that you seek spiritual direction for discernment — if possible, preferably from a spiritual director or parish priest. There will be 3 phases of the formation.
1st Phase:
The group or individual who feels they are being called to this work is to pray to Mother Mary for direction for 9 days - reciting a rosary (pdf link) followed by the Litany of the Saints (pdf link). You may begin the 9 days of prayer as soon as you receive this information and you will also need to get the information out to those in your prayer groups.
After the 9 days of prayer, Mother Mary will reveal to each group or individual person their chosen Catholic Saint and what their mission will be. Each group will have their own mission, but will still be committed to following the 9 Directives from Heaven as in the prayer booklet (for example your mission may be praying for the unborn, praying for priests or religious, praying and tending to the dying or even helping the poor, etc.). Mother Mary will reveal to the hearts of Her children exactly what She wants from the group or the individual person.
Once the group or person has been given their chosen Catholic Saint with a mission and are ready to make their commitment to Jesus and Mary, they are to then contact the Daughters of the Lamb by email or regular mail and submit the following information:
Individual Name:
Contact Info, Email & phone number:
How many in your group:
Brief info about your group:
Submit your request to the Daughters of the Lamb at or mail to:
Daughters of the Lamb * P.O. Box 994 * Franklin, KY 42135
2nd Phase: Once you have contacted the Apostolate we will then send a Commitment Letter and a form for each group/person to complete. The form will ask for the name of the group or individual, contact information and chosen Catholic Saint with their mission. The 9 Directives will be part of the Commitment Letter promising to follow the daily prayers and acts, and a willingness to read and learn about the Divine Will (writings of revelations from Jesus to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta). Once the Commitment Letter is completed and submitted you will receive a Certificate from the Daughters of the Lamb (we will keep a copy of your Commitment and Certificate on file and all information is kept private/secure).
3rd Phase: This will be a future requirement in that you will be sent a package at no cost, containing a Daughters of the Lamb prayer booklet and scapular, with a Warriors of Mary pin and reading materials pertaining to the Houses of Mercy and an exterior Divine Mercy plaque for the house. Once the 3 phases are complete you will be part of the Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception Apostolate of Mercy Foundation, formed as a House of Mercy and together we will be the Warriors of Mary.
I end this letter with a beautiful message from Mother Mary requesting that we form Her Houses of Mercy!
Mother Mary: (given to DDW on 01/06/2017)
This is the first step My daughter; to materialize these groups and allow the Holy Spirit to formulate a decision within the hearts of all the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb. Your letter will include My request and this great plan from Heaven to form My houses, special lights, special places of prayer for all who do as I ask. I am their Mother and will protect all who answer My call and give their allegiance to the Trinity through their Mother in whom this great task of ushering in the Era of Peace and when the conversion of the world has been given. I am the Mother of Hope, of Counsel and of Purity, I am the Mother of the Most Blessed Trinity who stands and waits for those who do not hesitate to sign this Commitment Letter and I will give all the spiritual graces needed to endure the rest of their days on earth in peace and abiding in the Will of God if they allow Me to do so. Tell them this My daughter for Me... I am with you... I have many graces and gifts to give My children, and every moment that passes is gone forever. Those who reply are the foundation to this Apostolate of Mercy.
O Mother Mary hear us as we cry out to You for we are sinners,
We ask You to bring us to Your Son’s Mercy,
For it is through His Mercy we know we will be saved.
Patricia Hicks – Directress
Daughters of the Lamb
of the
Immaculate Conception Apostolate of Mercy
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